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Grab your short

mental break!

VRelax for the business market

Are you an ARBO Psychologist, absenteeism coordinator, company doctor, HR manager, vitality coach or team leader? And do your employees experience high work pressure or physical complaints that compromise their mental health? Then VRelax is very suitable for you and your employees.

VRelax is intended as support for people with a relatively high level of stress and (risk of developing) health problems and absenteeism. These can be people with psychological problems, but also people with physical complaints, who experience stress and mental complaints as a result.

The problem

Stress is occupational disease number 1. Both in work and in private life, employees can experience a high mental load, causing them to lose balance and control over their work and private life. VRelax brings this balance back on a psychological and physical level. We believe in a preventive approach instead of sticking plasters when it is too late.

The solution

We believe that the mental overload in our society requires new innovative solutions such as VRelax. With this we can reduce costs and queues and improve the mental state of people with mental problems. We do this by building a smart Virtual Reality app in co-creation with end users, scientific research, good service and implementation, which brings relaxation and relief.

Our Virtual Reality app reduces stress and negative emotions, and increases positive emotions. It demonstrably improves recovery from psychiatric complaints, reduces pain, improves coping and strengthens autonomy and self-control. The mental battery is charging again!

Read the VRelax@work survey

Proven effective on
the workplace

  • 40% less stress within 10 minutes
  • Proven increase in job satisfaction and productivity
  • Can be used immediately with mentally overloaded staff
  • Guidance for use in the workplace by VRelax
  • Proven effective against stress, anxiety and burnout
  • Winner Best MedTech Innovation 2021
  • Discount for Zilveren Kruis customers

I can now combat that persistent gloom of mine with VRelax so that I can work a bit again. What makes me most happy is that the family at home revives when I am also happier. I really hope people start using these kinds of techniques more. Never thought what effect those horses in the VRelax goggles would have on me. Great!

Marlies NautaLogistics employee Int. Transportation

On days when the complaints become too much for me, I grab the glasses. In this way I can mentally strengthen myself without extra hands and the intervention of (for example) a psychologist or coach. According to the psychologist, this will probably shorten my treatment period considerably and reduce the chance of (new) absenteeism.

Fred van NuulLocation manager Restaurant chain

VRelax ensures that I get through my days more relaxed and experience less stress. But it also makes me feel calmer in my reintegration process. In short, VRelax is a very welcome and valuable addition for me!

Willemijn Vos van RossumCoordinating supervisor Pluryn

To become a customer?

Are you interested in how VRelax fits into your organization? Watch the video to see how we can help you implement VRelax in the workplace. We find the best approach for you and we have a lot of experience with the implementation. So leave your details or contact us directly, we'll do the rest.

+31 (0) 50 211 0142 /