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Here you will find digital files of VRelax for use in news items, on websites and printed matter, provided they are in the context of and under the attribution of 'VRelax'. For logos in other formats, or other files, please contact us at [email protected]

To download the files, click the download link on the right. The file will then open in a new tab.

Instruction Guide (.pdf) This contains all the necessary information to get started with VRelax.

ENGLISH Instruction guide (.pdf) This contains all the necessary information to start with VRelax.

V2 to V3 Update step-by-step plan (.pdf) With this you get the new VRelax update on your VR glasses flawlessly.

V1 to V3 Update step-by-step plan (.pdf) With this you get the new VRelax update on your VR glasses flawlessly.

VRelax brochure (.pdf) Relevant background information and in-depth insights about our product.

ENGLISH VRelax brochure (.pdf) Relevant background information and in-depth insights about our product.

VRelax Experience video (online)

VRelax logo color (.png)

VRelax logo white (.png)

V Relax team (.jpeg)

VRelax outside (.jpeg)

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