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Anja van der Pol

Life coaching and trainer with regard to personal development at Oh, that's it!

You're stronger than you think! That is the starting point in the guidance I offer. People come with very different issues; both personal and work-related problems. Help is often only sought when the water is really at their fingertips. Stress has already built up considerably. It is therefore great that I can offer the VRelax glasses in the initial phase of a coaching process. Relaxing for 15 minutes every day has been shown to be an effective means of reducing stress. The coaching process can then begin from this relaxation. Both clients and employers indicate that they are enthusiastic about using the VRelax glasses! Below is the experience of a client of mine:

“Because I had to wait two weeks before I had the first interview, Anja gave me the VR glasses. I had told her in the introductory meeting that I am under a lot of stress. I was nervous, easily angered and slept badly. Every day before going to sleep with the VR glasses, I watched different nature videos. As a result, I quickly fell asleep in it. Really nice! It has done me good. I became calmer in my head. I sometimes put on the glasses extra when I felt restless. Then I felt relaxed.”

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